Holistic Development 

Give Your Students
“The Holistic Advantage”
To Remarkably Adjust To College, Life & Industry Excellence



Student mental health is in crisis. 

In 2022, 77% of college students experienced moderate to serious symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Most students say their mental health has worsened in college.

A more proactive approach… from the counseling center to the classrooms-

We help schools do more to support student mental health by providing life skills training for all students, particularly incoming freshmen.  In fact, our program was recently implemented at Tuskegee University to freshman orientation and the general student body and 90% of students reported an improvement in their mental, social and/or emotional wellbeing since taking our courses and 94.4% continued to use the strategies learned after class. 


A 4 step Holistic solution



Everything begins in the mind. And we believe that changing your thinking can change your life. In this course we break down how thoughts form into reality and teach students not only how to manage their thoughts but train their minds to win.


Prolonged mental strain effects our emotional health which is why we focus on understanding emotions and stress in our second course. We teach students how to manage daily stressors before it becomes a mental strain. Students walk away with the ability to identify stress, personal triggers and create a custom action plan to manage stress, anxiety and days when they just feel down.


Social Anxiety is more common than you think. Research shows that 18% of college students have social phobia.  We help students develop empathy & step outside of their comfort zones through interactive activities & training on building social courage.


Our professional development course is focused on bringing career dreams to a reality. Our students walk away from this course with clarity on their purpose, strategies to connect with a mentor/sponsor and an action plan to pursue their long-term goals immediately!



Talent: Award Winning, Credentialed Coaches, Teachers and Master Leveled Public HealthProfessionals


We get to the root-  the mind


Student led, relatable content and activities.


Workbooks for at home practices.


In class activities to boost engagement, create community and boost empathy amongst student body


Instagram posts to reinforce training & apply wellness strategies after class

What Attendees are Saying…

"Tiffany has been highly instrumental to my success in my journey to illuminating my true self.  She is truly gifted with an intuitive knowledge that is the highest source of wisdom one can receive on her evolutionary path.  She is a powerful force and a person who has successfully navigated the path before her.  Lean into the magic she offers and you will receive abundance in all aspects of your life."

Kristen Swarcheck
Authentic Leadership Coach

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Kristen Swarcheck
Authentic Leadership Coach

"Tiffany has been highly instrumental to my success in my journey to illuminating my true self.  She is truly gifted with an intuitive knowledge that is the highest source of wisdom one can receive on her evolutionary path.  She is a powerful force and a person who has successfully navigated the path before her.  Lean into the magic she offers and you will receive abundance in all aspects of your life."

"Tiffany has been such an encouragement to me just by the way she lives her life!!!  She gave me the best gift of all, TIME to sit and think about what I really want and what choices I need to make to get there.  As a result of Masterclass, I've started The Nosey Nomad Blog. I was nervous because of fear; fear of rejection, ridicule, negativity, lack of support...but I kept remembering this quote from Tiffany, "Why are we okay with average lives?” I’ve committed myself to a life of significance, not just success!"

Sheena Murray
Founder, The Nosey Nomad

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Sheena Murray
Founder, The Nosey Nomad

"Tiffany has been such an encouragement to me just by the way she lives her life!!!  She gave me the best gift of all, TIME to sit and think about what I really want and what choices I need to make to get there.  As a result of Masterclass, I've started The Nosey Nomad Blog. I was nervous because of fear; fear of rejection, ridicule, negativity, lack of support...but I kept remembering this quote from Tiffany, "Why are we okay with average lives?” I’ve committed myself to a life of significance, not just success!"

"Tiffany, I just want you to know you did a phenomenal job. I'm so touched. You really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I learned things in this short time that will be with me forever. May God continue to bless you!"

Dr. Adetola Kasali
Medical Physician

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Dr. Adetola Kasali
Medical Physician

"Tiffany, I just want you to know you did a phenomenal job. I'm so touched. You really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I learned things in this short time that will be with me forever. May God continue to bless you!"

"Jumpstart Your Abundant Life Group Coaching with Tiffany  was definitely an awakening!  She challenged me to dispel the lies that I've allowed to form in my life and transform them into positive affirmations.  Tiffany has an amazing gift to motivate and empower you to take charge of negative thinking and put faith into action!"

Natalie Freeman, School Counselor & Health Educator
Jumpstart Your Abundant Life Masterclass

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Natalie Freeman, School Counselor & Health Educator
Jumpstart Your Abundant Life Masterclass

"Jumpstart Your Abundant Life Group Coaching with Tiffany  was definitely an awakening!  She challenged me to dispel the lies that I've allowed to form in my life and transform them into positive affirmations.  Tiffany has an amazing gift to motivate and empower you to take charge of negative thinking and put faith into action!"

"The decision to work with Tiffany resulted in a rebirth of myself!  This process helped set me on a evolution of self, outside of focusing on the perceptions of others and allowed me to break out of the paralysis of fear.  She truly has an amazing gift, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been involved in this program.”

Yvonne Brown
Founder of Sliquoly Cove

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Yvonne Brown
Founder of Sliquoly Cove

"The decision to work with Tiffany resulted in a rebirth of myself!  This process helped set me on a evolution of self, outside of focusing on the perceptions of others and allowed me to break out of the paralysis of fear.  She truly has an amazing gift, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been involved in this program.”

"It was a positive experience. Loved the energy. Feeling very positive about my mindset and affirmations, that was the biggest game changer for me. Being more specific. It's keeping me in an even better mindset. I had to take an honest look at determining what I wanted out of life and how to take action in order to receive an abundant life. What things am I tolerating in my life that do not serve me? Acknowledge that I have to stop being an observer and become a doer. Increasing my self-confidence by giving myself permission to be free from self-defeating thoughts."

Masterclass Participant

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Masterclass Participant

"It was a positive experience. Loved the energy. Feeling very positive about my mindset and affirmations, that was the biggest game changer for me. Being more specific. It's keeping me in an even better mindset. I had to take an honest look at determining what I wanted out of life and how to take action in order to receive an abundant life. What things am I tolerating in my life that do not serve me? Acknowledge that I have to stop being an observer and become a doer. Increasing my self-confidence by giving myself permission to be free from self-defeating thoughts."

"I had to take an honest look at determining what I wanted out of life and how to take action in order to receive an abundant life. What things am I tolerating in my life that do not serve me? Acknowledge that I have to stop being an observer and become a doer. Increasing my self-confidence by giving myself permission to be free from self-defeating thoughts."

Masterclass Participant

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Masterclass Participant

"I had to take an honest look at determining what I wanted out of life and how to take action in order to receive an abundant life. What things am I tolerating in my life that do not serve me? Acknowledge that I have to stop being an observer and become a doer. Increasing my self-confidence by giving myself permission to be free from self-defeating thoughts."

“I loved the fact that after working with Tiffany, I was given some immediate action items and since implementing them, I’ve seen a big difference in the energy in my home!  The conversation was so valuable and really gave me the inspiration to pull my energy together to make a change.  If you need a “real talk” conversation and some direction on how to get to where you want to go, she is your girl!”

Coaching Client

Tiffany Nunnally Service Reviews

Coaching Client

“I loved the fact that after working with Tiffany, I was given some immediate action items and since implementing them, I’ve seen a big difference in the energy in my home!  The conversation was so valuable and really gave me the inspiration to pull my energy together to make a change.  If you need a “real talk” conversation and some direction on how to get to where you want to go, she is your girl!”

Start Giving Your Students The Resilience Advantage To Remarkably Adjust to College, Life & Industry Excellence!