Reflections on the 9/28/2015 Pink Shades of Evolution E-newsletter post: The Fear is Real…..
Since I can remember I’ve always liked science fiction and things that are out of this world. Due to this, naturally, I took an interest in space and our solar system. Privately, I would study about space in my leisure time and share some of my learnings with my daughter. Then one day, I saw on social media that NASA and The Jet Propulsion Laboratory were looking for enthusiast volunteers to serve as Solar System Ambassadors. After I read the details of the role I believed that it was in my future to be a part of this outreach program. I only had a short amount of time to complete the application and every day counted. The application is long and requires much forethought and research. I began to get discouraged. On the day that the application was due, I decided to give up and fear started to creep inside my mind. It was at this moment that I remembered seeing the Pink Shades of Evolution newsletter from Tiffany Nunnally in my inbox. The subject of the email was “The Fear is Real”. Tiffany provided me with the right words of encouragement at a critical time in my life. Tiffany’s fearless proclamation was as follows:

I will be bold and unapologetic about pursing my deepest desires and dreams. I can do all things (not some things) through Christ that strengthens me. When fear enters my mind, I will dismiss it knowing that it’s only temporary and make believe. If I can’t shake it, I will take it with me. I will do what needs to be done for my happiness, my peace, my family and my future.

I then realized that the only thing standing in my way was fear and that fear was not strong enough to keep me from my dream. I packed up that fear and continued the process. I contacted Tiffany to let her know that her words gave me the push that I needed. Fast forward, and now I am excited to have been selected as a NASA Solar System Ambassador. I have the distinction of being the first African American in Dallas County and the first African American in the State of Texas to serve in the program. I will learn of missions from scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and use this information to teach about space exploration to minority and disadvantaged youth in grades K-12. My public outreach programs will serve as a catalyst to increase the curiosity of the youth while exposing them to STEM and STEAM educational activities. I’m blessed to serve in this capacity and thankful that Tiffany gave me the push needed grow and advance in my Pink Shades of Evolution.


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